When we experience hurt or loss or disappointment due to a reaction to an event in our life and we are denied the opportunity to express and explore how we really feel, we can develop behavioural patterns that hold the hurt and loss in place. Many people are inhibited about expressing and sharing their feelings and this can increase stress levels.
Expressing how we feel is a natural healing process and is essential to healthy human functioning.
Expression of distress experiences – for example loss, disappointment, or anger, helps heal the hurt.
Expressing our feelings to another person helps break the isolation.
Some of my clients have revealed to me what they found beneficial about counselling.
Being heard
‘I felt as though you were really listening to me and trying to understand me’.
‘I felt welcomed. As if you were really pleased to see me.’
‘It was important to me to feel that my privacy was valued’.
‘I longed to feel accepted as a person. I felt safe to be me in our sessions.’